Audios on Meditation
Meditation, A Way of Knowing by D. Abbenhouse
Meditation is a way of experiencing our essential inter-connectedness with the others. 55 minutes.
The Basis of Meditation by R. Burnier
According to Theosophy, evolution is a process that involves consciousness as well as the physical organism. As consciousness slowly evolves, it becomes embodied within increasingly complex and sensitive vehicles. In the human kingdom, we have yet to unfold many of the potential powers that lie within. Radha Burnier explores some of the subtle workings of human consciousness and how the practice of meditation relates to its unfoldment. 51 minutes.
Meditation as Part of Life by D. Kunz
There is an “inner self” within each one of us, which can be described as a state of consciousness in which one experiences a profound sense of inner peace and wisdom. 73 minutes.
The Science of Meditation - Part 1
The Science of Meditation - Part 2 by R. Metha
Meditation allows us to explore inner space and find the source of happiness. This talk covers four aspects of meditation: 1) Why should we meditate? 2) What is meditation? 3) When should we meditate? 4) How do we meditate? This program begins with a short musical presentation by Sridevi Mehta, who sings three mantras from the Upanishads. 84 minutes.
Meditation, A Way of Life by S. Neelakanta
The increasing popularity of meditation in the West has, in some cases, reduced it to a purely mechanical process or a commercial enterprise divorced from a way of life. Meditation is not an escape from life, but in fact, one’s progress in meditation depends very much on one’s attitude and approach to daily living. 54 minutes.
How to Meditate by Theosophical Society in America
A 4-part program for beginners including: 1) the art of inner listening; 2) music as meditation; 3) various approaches; and 4) concentration. 60 minutes.